The SEND strategy describes our collective ambition for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25. It sets out our shared commitment to work, with our local partners, to create a system of support and provision that truly works for everyone.
The strategy recognises the challenges we face and that success is based on system-wide, cultural and behavioural change. This ambition and strategy is supported and brought to life by:
- an improvement plan focused on
- four key workstreams of Joint Commissioning, Workforce Development, Participation, Engagement and Co- Production, and Insight and Performance.
- task and finish groups focused on
- specific areas of improvement including inclusive learning, early identification and support, information and advice and strategic developments.
- a graduate response model.
This is an interim strategy, to reflect the recent changes in leadership and direction for the SEND and Inclusion area. It will remain a working document, enabling us to be agile, adaptable and changing direction where necessary to succeed.