Car sharing and pooling

Car sharing & pooling

Car sharing is where two or more people travel by car together, for all or part of the car trip.

For the car sharer benefits include:

  • cost savings through reduced car use
  • reduces car parking pressures
  • reduces stress with less driving activity
  • opportunity to do other things during commuting time, whilst not driving
  • provides a more sociable commute
  • offers personal security benefits in the event of a breakdown
  • doing your bit for the environment.

For the organisation, benefits include:

  • removes or reduces parking problems on and around the site
  • relieves local congestion
  • releases parking spaces for more productive and profitable use
  • contributes towards sustainability and environmental targets
  • enables informal business activity among colleagues during commuting time.

Liftshare, operators of the UK's largest car share network, has almost 140,000 registered car shares around the UK.

To find out more about car sharing in Slough and register for free online, visit the Slough Car Share website.