Smarter travel for Slough businesses

What support is available

  • Workplace travel survey to understand your employee travel behaviour and what initiatives they would be interested in.
  • Travel events to encourage, promote and reward sustainable travel.
  • Bespoke travel information leaflets for your site.
  • Love to Ride campaigns throughout the year to get your employees involved with cycle challenges.
  • Grant funding – for cycling, walking and car share facilities
  • One-to-one cycle training

Get a bespoke travel map for your website

The map is created to help visitors and new starters get to/from your site and help employees evaluate their transport options. Get in touch to get a map made for your site.

Contact the Better by... team:

Find out if your workplace is eligible for Sustainable Grant Funding

The Better by… team is offering up to £2,000 match grant funding for initiatives to get Slough employees travelling more sustainably. This includes, but is not limited to, cycle training for employees, cycle parking and equipment, car share bays, EV charging points, cycle events and pool bikes.

Supporting sustainable access to jobs and training

In addition to working directly with workplaces, we are also targeting specific areas and will be working closely with larger employers to continue to build on a programme of options to help improve the skills of the local community. This includes improving travel options and providing individuals with the skills to manage their journeys to access new job opportunities.