Support available for Slough schools

Support available

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better by logo

The following free initiatives and support is available to your school through the Better by... programme. 

Bikeability training

Cycle training to increase confidence and skills to pupils. A range of Bikeability add on modules are also available. Find out more about bikeability.

Cycle/scooter parking

Schools are able to apply for match funded support to introduce cycle parking into their site.

Cycle grants

Opportunities for schools to bid for up to £2,000 for pool bikes, storage solutions, instructor training for teachers, events and cycle clubs.

Walking initiatives

Better By will be working in partnership with Active Movement to deliver the ‘Active School Travel’ programme to primary schools across Slough. This 3 month programme aims to encourage children and teachers to use the specially created Active Movement walk as part of daily routine. Rewards for participating in the programme will be offered as an incentive.

Anti Idling Campaigns

Slough’s Better By ... team will be working in collaboration with Environmental Quality Team to deliver this campaign to schools across the Slough borough. This campaign aims to reduce the amount of pollution around the school site from idling vehicles.

JTA (Junior Travel Ambassador scheme)

This scheme encourages peer-to-peer engagement and will provide schools with all the resources and guidance they need to promote safer, active and independent travel within the school community

Road safety assemblies

Working with our dedicated road safety partner, we are able to offer some road safety assemblies or training. Providing travel information to staff, pupils, parents and visitors enables people travelling to your school to look at all travel options. Displaying these options on your school noticeboard or website may encourage individuals to choose sustainable options.

Sustainable travel promotion and awareness raising campaigns

Schools can take part in some of the nationwide or local Slough campaigns. We will promote sustainable travel by running competitions, assemblies, via newsletters and press releases.

Bespoke travel map

Bespoke maps can be created for Slough schools highlighting cycling and walking routes.

Train and bus travel

Information about public transport timetables can be downloaded and displayed on your noticeboard and can be used by pupils, staff and visitors.