Household Support Fund

Household Support Fund (HSF)

Important service information banner.

Household support fund awards not yet available

You can still make a Household Support Fund application but we are unable to make any award until the new funds become available. At that time we will be able to process your applications. Please note we will only accept one application per household for this funding period.

End banner for important service information.

The Household Support Fund (HSF) grant of £1,177,691.53 is funded by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). It is available until the 30 September 2024. We, the council, cannot commit to applications made once all the available funding has been allocated. 

We provide a locally managed government grant to a wide range of low income households in our community including:

  • families with children of all ages
  • pensioners
  • unpaid carers
  • care leavers
  • disabled people.

The grant helps cover basic living costs, such as:

  • energy
  • food
  • water bills
  • essential goods
  • housing costs (where existing housing support schemes do not meet their needs).

The HSF will be awarded at our discretion following an assessment of eligibility. Each case will be treated strictly on its individual merits. All those deemed eligible will be treated equally and fairly within the constraints with the HSF budget.

Please be aware the new grant from HSF has different conditions to the previous 4 grant schemes.