Community Governance Review 2018

Final decisions

Final decisions - Britwell & Wexham Court Parish Councils

The Council resolved: final decision on Britwell & Wexham Court Parish Councils.

Final decisions - Colnbrook with Poyle Parish Council

The Council resolved that:

  1. the written responses received in relation to Colnbrook with Poyle Parish Council be noted.
  2. the results of the advisory postal poll on whether the parish council is effective and engages effectively with local people be noted.
  3. the parish council be urged to give consideration to the views expressed via the poll and improve its engagement with local people with an emphasis on the Westfield/Brands Hill area (PD CPA), where the poll demonstrated lower levels of public support.
  4. the borough council will review the parish’s performance again toward the end of its next term of office and reserves the right to test public opinion in a further advisory postal poll if it is not satisfied that it is engaging widely with local people.