
Consultation and engagement

Why we consult

Everyone who lives, visits or works in Slough can help to improve the services they receive and influence the decisions made by the council.

The council is committed to putting time and energy into listening to, and working with, residents and other stakeholders, through consulting and involving people in Slough when reviewing and implementing services that best meet the needs of the different communities we serve. 

Have your say - current consultations

Consultation End date
Simplified Planning Zone 2024-2034 Deposit Consultation 19 August 2024
Shape Our Services: Have Your Say on Your Health and Wellness Service Closed
Slough Air Quality Action Plan Closed
Destination Farnham Road - Proposed Design Consultation Closed
Equality Objectives Consultation Closed
Housing Resident Engagement Strategy Consultation Closed
Housing Resident Engagement Strategy Consultation Closed
Slough Borough Council Corporate Plan Consultation Closed
Home to School Travel Assistance and Post 16 Travel Assistance Policy Closed