Post-16 travel

Other support

Those not in education, employment or training (NEET)

To support the provision of suitable education or training for young people who are 16 and 17 years old and not in education, employment or training (NEET), Slough Council may offer fixed term (up to one month) travel cards at subsidised rates to facilitate travel to interviews, work experience and other activities necessary to secure appropriate provision. To be eligible, young people must be registered and receiving support through Early Help and Preventative Services.

Available support in other circumstances

Recognising that the Council’s discretionary powers should not be unreasonably fettered by its general policy, the Council will consider and may agree requests for assistance with travel to Post 16 education placements where there are considered to be extenuating circumstances that prevent a young person accessing their further education placement unless travel assistance is available. If the parent/carer or young person believes extenuating circumstances exist and assistance with travel is necessary, then they should provide additional information and evidence when submitting their application for consideration.

The overriding expectation is that parents/carers and young persons will have exhausted all other available options to support and enable travel to and from their education placement. The Council will need to be satisfied it has been demonstrated that, for social, medical, financial or personal reasons access to their education placement cannot be facilitated without assistance with towards travel arrangements.

The determination will be based on evidence received to support the case whether travel assistance is necessary in order for the child to access their education.

In all cases the decision whether to exercise discretion will be taken on a case-by-case basis.