Housing benefit appeals

Late appeals

If you are appealing more than one month after the date on the benefit decision letter your appeal may still be accepted if there are special reasons for the delay.

You will need to provide a full written explanation, with your request for us to reconsider your claim, or, your appeal, as to why it is late. We will consider if the reasons you have given are adequate for your request or appeal to be accepted.

An appeal cannot be accepted if more than 13 months has passed since the date of the decision.

If you have appealed late and the council do not accept the reasons for your delay to be adequate, your case will still be passed to the Tribunal Service for consideration. An independent, legally qualified member of the Tribunal Service will look at the reasons you have given for the delay and advise as to whether the case should be heard at an appeal tribunal, or, if it cannot be heard because it is late with no special circumstances.