There were 1,638 applicants on the housing register at the end of March 2022. Being on the housing register does not always mean that you will get an offer of accommodation. Most people will never be offered a property from the housing register, so it is important that you explore other housing options if you really need to move.
You may not receive an offer of accommodation from B and C unless:
- you are an older person
- over 50
- or needing one-bedroom accommodation.
This is due to the large number of applicants who are in a higher band with an additional preference. Applicants over 60 may have a shorter wait due to the availability of property reserved for this age group. Full details of how you qualify and which band you are placed in are given in the allocations policy and short guide to the scheme.
You must also let us know if you have any change in your circumstances that may affect your application with us. This could be if:
- you move
- buy a property
- have a change in family size or income/savings or a member of your household becomes a non dependant.
Your application will be reassessed following any change. If you no longer qualify under the scheme, you will be notified in writing.
Renewing your application
You must renew your housing application annually. Renewal requests will be sent on the anniversary of the application date. If you do not respond, your application will be cancelled. If you reapply at a later date, then you may have to start again with a fresh application. It is important that you keep us informed of any change in circumstance including contact details.
Housing advice
If you feel you are under the threat of becoming homeless, are homeless or are struggling to secure alternative accommodation, you can self-register via the Housing Jigsaw Customer Portal. Alternatively, you can email