Payments of invoices to suppliers over £500
Slough Borough Council is committed to transparency and demonstrating value for money.
We are reporting and providing you details of our invoice payments over £500 for the supply of goods and services so that you know where your money is being spent and for better scrutiny of spending.
We aim to get the best value and operate fair and open competition by following transparent and auditable procedures in our tendering and contracting activity.
The monthly reports will be published in CSV (comma seperated values) which conforms to the standard defined by the Local Public Data Panel, and in PDF format to allow the information to be printed. They will contain details of the service area incurring the expense, the invoice month, the amount and the supplier name.
The reports will be published in both formats on a quarterly basis.
Monthly reports of payments to suppliers over £500 - August 2021 to present.
Exempt/Redacted data
There will be occasions where we will be unable to give you details of all expenses over £500. Examples of this would include foster carers, people receiving social care payments, employees expenses and commercially sensitive data. Where we are able to provide you with the majority of the report information but cannot give you the suppliers details, the supplier name will read Redacted.
How do I find out more about a specific payment?
If you have any enquiries about the published spend data, please e-mail
You will need to include the following information in your request:
- the month of the report data
- the line number on the report
- the supplier
- the amount you are querying
You will receive an automated acknowledgement to your request and we aim to provide you with a reponse within 20 working days.
We aim to be as transparent as we can, however there may be cases where the information you request is not held, or is covered by an exemption under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or Data Protection Act.
Exemptions are reasons why information may not be disclosed. Where your request is subject to an exemption, you will be informed in writing of the exemption that applies and how to appeal.