Payments to suppliers

Invoices paid within 30 days

Regulation 113(7) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (and as set out in Procurement Policy Note 03/16 issued by Crown Commercial Services) introduced the following publication requirements:

After March 2017, all in-scope organisations must publish, on an annual basis and covering the previous 12 months:

  1. the percentage of their invoices of suppliers and prime contractors invoices* paid within 30 days 
  2. the amount of interest paid to suppliers due to late payment and 
  3. the total amount of interest that the contracting authority was liable to pay (whether or not paid and whether under any statutory or other requirement), due to a breach of Regulation 113.

*Invoices deemed valid and undisputed.

Financial year 2019/2020

Proportion of valid & undisputed invoices paid within 30 days 80.57%
The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to a breach of the requirement £724.08
The amount of interest that the Authority was liable to pay £851,820.54

Financial year 2018/2019

Proportion of valid & undisputed invoices paid within 30 days 81.45%
The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to a breach of the requirement £695.64
The amount of interest that the Authority was liable to pay £841,200.39

Financial year 2017/2018

Proportion of valid & undisputed invoices paid within 30 days 78.10%
The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to a breach of the requirement £2,428.53
The amount of interest that the Authority was liable to pay £658,138.79