Polling districts and places review

Notice of change to whole council elections

Published in accordance with section 35 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007

At a meeting of Council held on 18 January 2022 specially convened for the purpose, the Council resolved to change to whole Council elections from May 2023.

The Council also agreed to make an Order to alter the years of ordinary elections of parish councillors to align with the years in which ordinary elections of the Council take place.  From 2023 the election of all parish councillors will take place on the same day as elections for borough Councillors.

These decisions were made by Slough Borough Council, in accordance with section 33 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 which required a majority of at least two thirds of the Members voting on it.  A copy of the relevant Council report can be provided.

Slough Borough Council’s Councillors are currently elected ‘by thirds’, as a third of the seats are up for election each year for three consecutive years, before one year in which no local council elections were held. Each Councillor serves a term of four years regardless of the year in which they were elected.

Prior to the decision to change the electoral cycle, the Council consulted widely.  The Council consulted with residents, parish councils, HBC Councillors, voluntary and community groups and the district panel using press releases and via the Council’s website.

The Member Working Group on the Electoral Cycle and Parliamentary Boundary Review met on 6th January 2022. Members noted the results of the consultation on the elections cycle which ran from 22nd November 2021 until 1st January 2022.

The Working Group recommended a change in the electoral cycle and this proposal was then presented to Council at its Extraordinary Meeting on 18th January 2022 which then approved the proposed electoral scheme.

In accordance with section 35 of the Act this explanatory document is available for public inspection at the Council’s Office – Observatory House, 25 Windsor Road, Slough, SL1 2EL. It is also available to the public through the council’s website.