How to vote

If you are registered on the electoral register you will be sent a polling card a few weeks before an election. The card tells you when the election takes place and your allocated polling station.

If you haven’t received a polling card but think you should have, please contact us to check your registration by  email at

You can only vote if your name is on the electoral register. To be eligible to vote you must:

  • be registered to vote.
  • be 18 or over on the day of the election (‘polling day’)
  • be a British, Irish, Commonwealth or EU citizen
  • be a member or spouse of a member of HM Forces
  • be a crown servant employed outside the UK.
  • be registered at an address in the area you want to vote in
  • not be legally excluded from voting.

European citizens are allowed to vote in European and local elections only.

Overseas electors are allowed to vote in parliamentary and European elections only.