Complaints and neighbourhood services

Sometimes we may get things wrong. If that happens we want you to tell us so we can put it right.

Complaints policy

All social landlords are guided by the Housing Ombudsman Complaints Handling Code. The Code applies to all social landlords, including the services we deliver to our tenants and leaseholders.

You can download our current complaints policy:

We are working with the Resident Board to review our approach to managing complaints. We will be taking on board our obligations to the Housing Ombudsman in relation to the new Code.

Who you can complain to

If you are not a Council tenant or leaseholder, you can still make a complaint and find out what you can expect from this service.

Who to complain to will depend on what your complaint is about.

Complete the online form or email us at to complain about:

  • leasehold management
  • Right to Buy
  • tenancy management
  • estate management
  • garages
  • fly-tipping on Slough Borough Council housing land
  • trees and shrubs on housing land affecting an estate, a tenants property, or a private property
  • abandoned vehicles on Slough Borough Council housing land
  • how we delivered a service, such as managing antisocial behaviour.

Email to complain about:

  • homelessness support  
  • housing allocations
  • temporary accommodation
  • social lettings
  • James Elliman Homes

Email to complain about Cardo services, including:

  • caretaking
  • repairs
  • Cardo staff
  • missed appointments
  • street lighting on housing estates.

If you want to complain about bin collection or trees on private land, email

If your complaint is about private land, email the

Complete the online form if your complaint is about a highway issue, including:

  • potholes
  • e-scooters
  • street lighting
  • road safety or speeding.