Best Value Commissioners

Commissioners' costs

  • Expenses for Gavin Jones are paid by Essex County Council and billed to Slough Borough Council. Gavin started the Commissioner role in January 2022, and as Head of Paid Service in March 2022.
  • Commissioners' fees are set by the Department for Levelling up Housing and Communities at:
    • £1,200 per day for the Lead Commissioner
    • £1,100 per day for the other Commissioners.
  • Commissioners’ expenses (travel and hotel/meals) are paid by the Council as stated in the terms of their appointment.

January 2023

Category Max Caller
Lead Commissioner
Margaret Lee
Finance Commissioner
Gavin Jones
Days (count) 17 10.5 1.5
Fees (£) 20,400 11,550 1,650
Employer oncosts (£) 3,132 1,781 -
Hotel / meals (£) - 100 -
Travel (£) 288 495 48
Total (£) 23,820 13,926 1,698

February 2023

Category Max Caller
Lead Commissioner
Margaret Lee
Finance Commissioner
Gavin Jones
Days (count) 8 8.5 2
Fees (£) 9,600 9,350 2,200
Employer oncosts (£) 1,474 1,448 -
Hotel / meals (£) 58 175 -
Travel (£) 144 198 48
Total (£) 11,276 11,171 2,248

March 2023

Category Max Caller
Lead Commissioner
Margaret Lee
Finance Commissioner
Gavin Jones
Days (count) 3 - 5
Fees (£) 3,600 - 5,500
Employer oncosts (£) 553 - -
Hotel / meals (£) - - -
Travel (£) 58 - 72
Total (£) 4,210 - 5,672

Previous months Commissioner's expenses