Antisocial behaviour

What we can do

Criminal Behaviour Orders

These are issued by the courts after a conviction. The order will ban an individual from certain activities or places and require them to address their behaviour, for example, by attending drug treatment programmes. Orders are a combination of prohibitions and positive activities, designed to be preventative and not punitive. A breach would see an individual face a maximum five year prison term.

Community Protection Notices

For local authorities to stop persistent environmental antisocial behaviour like graffiti, neighbour noise or dog fouling. For police, social landlords and local authorities to deal with more serious disorder and criminality in a specific place, such as closing a property used for drug dealing. Designated powers will need to be given to police and social landlords to issue the notices.

If you breach a community protection notice, you can be issued a fixed penalty notice or FPN - essentially a fine.

Police Dispersal Power

A police power to direct any individual causing or likely to cause antisocial behaviour, crime and disorder away from a particular place and to confiscate related items. A person can be removed from an area for up to 48 hours, if authorized by a Police Inspector or above. PCSOs (police community support officers) will be given designated power to use the direction's power.

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)

These are intended to deal with a particular nuisance or problem in a particular area. Public Spaces Protection Orders introduce rules about how the area can be used, which apply to everyone. The aim is  to ensure the law-abiding majority can enjoy public spaces, safe from antisocial behaviour. For example, a Public Spaces Protection Order may be used to help keep dogs under control within a park. Police community support officers can confiscate and dispose of alcohol.

If you breach a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), you can be issued a fixed penalty notice or FPN - essentially a fine.

Closure Powers

This power is a fast, flexible power that can be used to protect victims and communities by quickly closing premises that are causing nuisance or disorder. Both the local authority and police can use this power to close residential or business premises. The notice is for a 48 hour period, and the closure is for a period up to 6 months.

Civil injunctions

This is a purely civil injunction available in the county court for adults and the youth court for 10 to 17 year olds. It is designed to stop bad behaviour before it escalates. The injunction would carry a civil burden of proof, making it quicker and easier to obtain than previous tools. For adults, breach of the injunction could see you imprisoned or fined. For under-18s, a breach could be dealt with through curfews, supervision or detention.

ABCs (Acceptable Behaviour Contracts)

These can be issued to a person who has committed antisocial behaviour. The contracts are signed in the presence of a police officer and member of staff from Slough Borough Council. The conditions of the contract vary depending on the individual and the circumstances but require the person who signs not to behave in a way that causes harassment, alarm or distress to others. Individuals cannot be arrested for breaching these contracts, but the contracts can be used as evidence for Antisocial Behaviour Orders (ASBOs).

PCAs (Parental Control Agreements)

When children under the age of 17 have committed antisocial behaviour their parents can be asked to sign a contract to agree to control their child's behaviour. These are signed in the presence of a police officer and a member of Slough Borough Council, together with an Acceptable Behaviour Contract.


Please note Slough Borough Council will not get involved with civil matters. If appropriate, we can use independent trained mediators to help resolve a problem such as a neighbour dispute.