Domestic abuse information for practitioners

Slough Domestic Abuse Champions

Slough has initially recruited sixty domestic abuse champions from all professional backgrounds. The DA Champions will provide a network of expertise supporting Slough agencies, practitioners and clients suffering with domestic abuse.

Champions will share learning and awareness with their organisations and act as a point of contact between agencies to ensure a stronger multiagency approach. Champions will identify and share best practice, issues, problems or hurdles facing victims of domestic abuse within our local strategy.

This is ongoing role with further opportunities to learn and network to improve communication between partner agencies at a practitioner level.

We are specifically seeking practitioners or professionals from:

  • Health - community, hospitals, mental health teams,
  • Education - early years, primary, secondary and tertiary/higher,
  • Care and support staff,
  • Probation,
  • Social care - adult and child,
  • Police & security,
  • Court services (civil and criminal)
  • Voluntary sector practitioners
  • Community organisations such as youth or faith groups.