Get advice and support
Residents who have multiple issues, are at greater risk or are more vulnerable, are likely to need the help of the Debt and Welfare team. You can submit a debt and welfare referral for yourself or as an organisation for someone else.
Multiple issues can include :
- complex debt (not debt in just one area, could include Council Tax, rent arrears, utility debt plus other complex factors such as risk of eviction, mental ill health, physical ill health)
- at risk of homelessness - private tenant with rent arrears and no arrangement in place with landlord, living in temporary accommodation and at risk of eviction or struggling to pay rent
- care leaver/in care (who are not in education, employment or training or have financial issues)
- young people not in education, employment or training aged (16-18) who need help with their financial situation
- financial issues and is someone with increased vulnerability (ill health, digitally excluded, language or capacity issues and no existing support)
- universal Credit/benefit issues (with other complex needs)
Where these issues affect your ability to pay your rent or maintain your home, we will also provide advice and information on what to do next.
The advisors will assist clients who live within the borough to maximise their benefit entitlement. They will conduct an initial benefit check with you to see if you are entitled. If you are, then they will assist you to apply for these benefits.
These could be any of the following benefits:
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support
- Universal Credit / Universal Credit 50 (work capability assessment)
- New style Job Seekers Allowance/ Employment Support Allowance
- Carers Allowance
- Bereavement Allowance and Funeral costs
- Personal Independent Payment
- Child Disability Living Allowance
- Discretionary Housing Payment
- Council Tax Support Hardship
- Child Benefit
- State Pension
- Guarantee Credit /Savings Credit
- Attendance Allowance
- and many more…
You may be entitled to other benefits and support. More information can be found on GOV.UK Benefits section
Lots of residents need straight forward advice to help them resolve a single issue and do not need the help of a Debt and Welfare Advisor. Such issues can include :